Wednesday, December 28, 2011

500 Squares of Positiveness

I saw the Fedex truck today outside my window and ran downstairs to greet him with the biggest smile I could give the guy.  Positively Square cards are here!  500 cards will be sent into the world in the up coming months.  Already today I put one on a jeep from South Dakota and wrote "hope you are having a great time in MN!"  I am looking forward to see where else these cards will show up and who they may impact....     

Start Something That Matters inspired me to do this and I hope this may inspire you do to the same!  
Friends, family and people I have yet to meet, if you would like me to mail you some Positively Square cards instead of making your own email me me your home address to and I will send a handful your way!  

Write Positive.  Post Proudly

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the first square

"Barista in orange this latte made my day better. yum!"
And there is the first Positive Square I put out into the world, a simple start!  As word slowly grows I look forward to seeing more people post their own squares and share their stories of passing along the positivity!  In the upcoming months I plan on going to go to local hospitals and middle schools to leave squares around for kids to find, in hopes of making their day better in some small way.  

Stay tuned!  till then
Write positive.  Post proudly

- Kirsten    

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Starting Something That Matters.

April 2009 I bought my first pair of TOMS shoes.  I was in awe of how great it felt to support such a great cause by doing something so simple.  For the next two years I followed TOMS closely, "liking" each new shoe design on my  Facebook wall while anticipating their new product, TOMS sunglasses.  The one for one program gives people in need glasses and or surgeries for their eyes with every pair of sunglasses you buy.  But I wanted to do more than just buy products from TOMS I wanted to get involved.  

A few months ago I signed up to be apart of TOMS Books for Blogger Program and was over joyed when I received two copies of Start Something That Matters along with this note: 
I am a Fine Arts major.  I never took a business class, my grammar is terrible, I'm not a leader by nature nor am I an entrepreneur.   However after I read this book I saw myself as a writer, a leader, and a person that has enough passion to start up their own movement.

Middle school and high school were painful times for me.  I ate lunch on the floor because there wasn't any room for my friends and I to sit...uh well that's a lie because the real issue was I was too shy and scared to talk to the "popular" kids.  Why?  Why didn't I tell the girl next to me in math class that she had the coolest sweaters, or  why didn't I tell that boy he made US History my favorite class to go to.  It is a simple complement that can open up conversations with others, hell just knowing that people are genuinely nice in the world can restore your faith in it.  

Few years ago I stopped holding back and just let the positivity come out of me unexpectedly.  I would complement strangers on their shoes, perfume, hair, smile, whatever dazzled me about them I would come out and say it; even if they were just smiling at me because I was coming off as a weirdo...least they were smiling!  As I was reading Start Something That Matters it hit me...being positive does matter.    

1) Take a square piece of paper and write a positive message on it.  On the back write  
    @positivesquare or Facebook PositivelySquare (so others can learn about it!) 

It can be anonymous or you can let it known to the world it is from you!  Your square can also be for someone you know "Mom your pancakes are wonderful!"  or a stranger out there needing something to make their day a little bit better "You might have a the greatest smile ever.  Show it!" 

2)  Send it out into the world for another to find! 
Leave your square:  in a park, library book, restaurant menu, bus stop, locker, hospital front desk, a folded sweater in a store, cash register, car cup holder, a mitten, doctor's waiting room, cafeteria lunch tray, etc.  

3) Post it (optional) 
Upload your square and let the positive message grow even more! 
Twitter: @PositiveSquare

"Like" Positively Square on Facebook (
Post a photo of the positive square you sent out into the world with the caption as the message you put on the square.  Whoever has the most "likes" on their photo wins the copy of Start Something That Matters.  

Thank you for reading about this exciting new endever I hope it will be a success with your help.  Please post and follow Positively Square on Twitter and "like" it on Facebook.  

Your support is a positive thing all on its own!  

Write it positive. Post it proud

- Kirsten Zache