Sunday, January 8, 2012

Positively Cheapo

Cheapo (the one in Minneapolis) is a common place for me to go to when I want to kill an hour, which is something easily done when I am browsing the vinyl section.  I had a handful of Positively Squares in my pocket and as I pawed through stacks of album covers I left behind squares to artist worthy of a positive shout out.

One artist worthy of this is my best buddy Kevin.  Guy is an amazing drummer/song writer and as I was flipping through the Local section I came across one of his CDs.  It made me so proud and happy to see it, I wrote on the square "this album is crazy great. metal strong"  

This Kenny Loggins vinyl made me smile instantly.  On the back of the square I put "for $2.95 you can get amazing art work!"  Who can resist those flowing locks, well thought out typography and those 1990 geo shapes!! (whoa nelly) 
The best part about this vinyl is that there are 3 copies of it in the store...pick one up.  
If anyone knows me they know that I feel strongly about a few things: 1) Die hard is the greatest action movie ever made. and 2) hearing The Black Keys makes my unbelievably happy, and I will ramble on about them for at least the duration of whatever song of their's that is playing on the radio, bar, or commercial.  In between Rubber Factory and  Thickfreakness I wrote "you have awesome taste in music"  (and whoever picks it up does)  The Black Keys circa 2003...can't get any better (but some how they keep out doing themselves).  Alright Black Keys ramble over. 
Positively Square hasn't seen the last of Cheapo.  Till then though go pick up some Kenny Loggins and enjoy a sunny afternoon looking at that grin on your record shelf! 

Write Positive. Post Proudly. 


  1. I was also killing some time at Cheapo and was told that I have great taste in music (not awesome) while I was looking to see if the clear vinyl version of The Big Come Up was still in stock. Sadly it had sold out but my day was made better by picking up your note.

  2. This made MY day!! So happy you found my note :D Thickfreakness is my favorite Black Keys album next to The Big Come Up :D
