Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Positively: Suds & Giggles

Some things will never change.  Such as the love I have for my family, shamrock shakes, spending the day in yoga pants, and laundry mats.  Coincidentally laundry mats never change either.  The one four blocks from my house still has a laundry detergent dispenser from 40 years ago.  It could be the clean scent of lemon and lavender that makes going to the laundry mat so great, or the fact that it is 100% acceptable to be out in public in your grossest sweat pants you own without judgment.  In addition to these things it also brings back memories of my mother and sister on Saturday afternoons spent laughing over Women's Day magazines and counting down the minuets till we could leave to go get a Culver's custard cone as a reward for folding towels and being mom's little helpers for the day.

Both of my parents were pretty smart.  Mom would give us treats for helping out while my dad would turn the worst part of laundry into the greatest.  Socks.  Growing up with two other sisters there would be about 20 pairs of socks in a load and of course all different cuts and sizes.  My dad started up a game called Sock Connection (there is a whole song that goes along to this...I will sing it for you sometime if you ask)  Every time there was a sock with out its partner we would put it in this basket of lonely socks and once it got full enough we would do Sock Connection and wouldn't you know it..we would walk away each with a few more pairs of socks!  

Now I am all grown and only folding my own socks (however I still manage to lose a few each time...).  As I sit and wait 24 min for my wash load to finish I look around to a place that hasn't changed decades.  The soda machine with a generic Orange label made me giggle to myself....I hope that never changes.  

What I am getting at though is love what you love out of life, no matter how small or silly it may be.  And though you may change as your life goes on take comfort in the fact that somethings never do :D 

Write Positive.  Post Proudly.  

1 comment:

  1. When I was little, my mom gave me a penny for each laundry item I folded and I totally thought I walked away the winner each time! Now I realize my mom was a freaking genius.

    I would love to hear your sock song next time I see you.
